Lukas Humbel

I have worked in data stream processing at Materialize and in operating systems during my Ph.D. at ETH Zurich in the Systems Group. At Materialize, I contributed to the protocol design and observability of the compute engine. During my Ph.D. I applied formal methods to configure and represent various hardware subsystems in operating systems:

Ph.D. Mission statement

Writing an OS is a tedious and painful journey. To ease the pain, operating system designers are often quick to make up a mental model of the hardware their OS is interacting with. Initially, this provides great joy, as a Hello from userspace! message can achieved quickly, but bites you later when you realize that your abstractions do not survive contact with real and messy hardware.

My research interest is precisely those, often simplified, usually implicit, but never absent, hardware models. I want to help you by providing better hardware abstractions and showing techniques how these can be developed. Whenever possible, we formalize these models and prove guarantees. We have successfully applied this technique to interrupts, memory, and a low speed system configuration bus. With these guarantees, you will write a better OS by 5pm, and you can peacefully enjoy a Rosé with your fiancé*e.

I enjoy hacking on Barrelfish, our main research vessel. I received my Master of Science in Computer Science from ETH Zurich in 2013. Occasionaly, write some status update on what I am working in my Log.



Preprints and Reports

Supervised Theses

Theses I supervised that are not on the Barrelfish homepage.



Work Experience

Between 2022 and March 2023 I worked as a software engineer at Materialize.
In summer 2017, I did a research internship at HP Enterprise. During and after my studies, I worked as an engineer at Triboni, and did an internship at Wuala. Refer to my CV for details.

